Annual output of 300000 square meters of light steel structure assembly and decoration integrated building production and research and development project environmental impact assessment draft publicity instructions
Release time:
1. Project Overview
(1) Project Location: Industrial Road 2, Industrial Park, Taian County, Anshan City, Liaoning Province
(2) Project nature: reconstruction and expansion
(32) Project overview: using newly-added land on the south side of the plant area37419.5m2Construction, the main construction content includes new1Building area25158.764 m2Production workshop, new1Building area1440 m2Canteen, new1Building area3100.90 m2Product warehouse, new raw material warehouse, renovation of general solid waste and hazardous waste temporary storage room, proposed investment10000Ten thousand yuan.
(43) Main pollution prevention measures:
①Exhaust gas: paint blending, spray painting and air drying are all carried out in the paint spraying room, which is closed during the operation. The paint spraying exhaust gas is collected by laying bottom suction pipes, and the collected paint spraying and air drying exhaust gas enters."Dry Filtration+activated carbon adsorption desorption+catalytic combustion"After purification treatment, through16mHigh vent discharge (DA001)。
Manual welding area: a strong suction exhaust gas collection pipeline is set above the area, and the welding exhaust gas is collected to the filter cartridge dust collector for purification treatment.16mExhaust (DA002) emissions.
Automatic assembly welding and flame cutting area: a strong suction exhaust gas collection pipeline is set above the area, and the welding exhaust gas is collected to the filter cartridge dust collector for purification treatment.16mExhaust (DA003) emissions.
The shot blasting machine is located in the production plant, the dust produced by shot blasting is collected and purified by a bag filter, and the exhaust gas is purified1Root16mHigh exhaust (DA004) emissions.
②Wastewater: the domestic sewage and the canteen wastewater after oil separation treatment are pretreated by the septic tank in the plant area, and then discharged from the total sewage discharge outlet in the plant area of the enterprise, and then enter the sewage treatment plant for further treatment through the drainage pipe network in the development zone.
③Noise: high noise equipment is arranged in the workshop, low noise equipment is preferred, sound insulation and shock absorption measures are taken, equipment maintenance, overhaul and update are strengthened to ensure stable operation of equipment.
④Solid waste: general industrial solid waste is temporarily stored in the general industrial solid waste repository and regularly sold for comprehensive utilization; hazardous waste is temporarily stored in the hazardous waste temporary storage room and entrusted to a unit with relevant hazardous waste disposal qualifications for recycling and disposal.
2. the full text of the draft for comments, the network connection of the public opinion questionnaire and the ways and means of accessing the paper report
(1) Network connection:
Extraction code:q7qi
(2) Ways and means of obtaining paper reports:
Construction unit: Liaoning FuRuida Construction Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Qin He
Contact number:13478065757
Public Scope of 3. Consultation
Units and individuals directly or indirectly affected by the project and units and individuals concerned about the project construction
Main ways and means of 4. public comments or suggestions
The public can put forward opinions and suggestions to the construction unit by telephone, mail, e-mail, filling in the public participation questionnaire, etc.
Start and end time of 5. public comments
From the date of publication of this public notice10Within working days, the public can obtain the draft report and the public opinion questionnaire through the link below or on-site, and can submit their opinions through the E-mail or on-site.
Liaoning FuRuida Construction Technology Co., Ltd.
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